B.Ed. Activities

B.Ed. Activities

Practical Work
The Practical Work session contains Evaluation of Teaching competence, Preparation & Use of instructional Aids, Construction of Tests and Interpretation of Scores, Preparation of Instructional materials, Workshops, Assignments, Organizing Seminars, Psychology lab work, Action research, Project, Citizenship camp, SUPW (Socially Useful & Productive Work) camp, Physical Education, Computer Assisted Instruction, Programmed Learning Material, Preparation of Audio – Visual aids.
Teaching Practice and Observation
As per the stipulated norms of the Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University and NCTE, the student teachers of our institution went to various schools for forty working days for the purpose of Teaching Practice and Observation. Our students were observe the classes of experienced teachers and also teach their two optional subjects to the students of various classes. At the end of the session the student teachers prepare question papers and conduct tests for the assessment of the students. During the period the faculties of our institution went to school visit to observe and help to the students. The committed involvement of our student teachers in all the activities of the respective schools, has own the appreciation and approval of the school authorities.
Micro teaching programme
Our student teachers have undergone a rigorous training in Micro-Teaching for ten days. Micro Teaching Involves the various skills such as Set Induction, Reinforcement, Stimulus and Variation, Probing Questioning, Questioning, Black Board Usage, Explaining, Closure and Link Practice. Demonstration, Illustration with example. So, that they could practice the various skills of micro teaching with confident and interest.